Li’l Al signs in – signs in at it’s first Book Signing Event!
Li’l Al Adventures was on the road last weekend. Author, Paula Helgerson, and illustrator, Kimberly Forness Wilson thank Ferguson’s Books and More (in Grand Forks, ND) for hosting our first Book Signing. Saturday, June 11 was the 6th Anniversary for the independent book store being in business . This signing was part of a day long celebration at the store.
Our team networked with other authors. It was a day of greeting folks as well as the public passing through the book store. It wasn’t just book signing for Li’l Al Adventures. A special Story Time was scheduled into the day for “Li’l Al Steps into Spring,” the latest book. Li’l Al Adventures keeps expanding it’s reach with each and every event, book reading, daycare visit.
Signing books and introducing people to the Li’l Al character was a delight. However, not all the Li’l Al Adventures fans live close enough to be able to visit during this Event. Here’s a NOTE that the Li’l Al Adventures website is NOW able to take your purchase. By clicking on our Buy Merchandise page you are able to purchase either or both story books. Watch for Book #3 coming in Fall 2016.