Here it is June and Li’l Al is stepping through the seasons. There is always an adventure awaiting as we move through the days. Rocky is running to catch him as Li’l Al runs across the yard, the park, wherever….
Most recently, Li’l Al Adventures were available at a local vendor/craft fair, the Robbinsdale, MN “Spring Fling on the Plaza.” It was a wonderful sunny summer morning. We were able to share Li’l Al with new people; parents & grandparents. Handing our Stickers from our books delighted the children.

What a lovely summer it is turning into! Li’l Al is stepping out to see what his world will unfold. Off to nearby lakes with his mother and father…. Is there a tree that needs climbing – he doesn’t get too far – it’s a process. Off to the ball park as well. Picnics on the weekends and cookouts in his very own back yard offer experiences and treasured family time. Flying kites and chasing balls across the green keep our little fellow on the move.
Moving is what Li’l Al does best. Illustrator, Ms Wilson, and author, Ms Helgerson are doing more than just promoting the three books currently available. Books may be purchased through this website and through the Facebook page (with a Buy Now button). Our creative team is also creating more adventures. The process sometimes requires research and fine tuning. This is currently underway.
The life of a self-published author offers weekly, sometimes daily pursuit of ways to bring Li’l Al Adventures to the public. Do YOU have a favorite independent book store or speciality shoppe looking for a new adventure? We’d love to hear about them. Perhaps Li’l Al Adventures is JUST what they need.