If You Can Dream It….. Li’l Al Adventures are on the Road

In the words of Walt Disney, “If you can dream it, you can do it.”  Next week Li’l Al is on an adventure to Grand Forks, ND.  The second in the Li’l Al Adventures series is out and ready to be heard and enjoyed!

Author, Paula Helgerson, along with Li’l Al’s illustrator, Kimberly Forness Wilson, will be making multiple appearances in the Grand Forks area between April 26-29, reading  “Li’l Al Steps into Spring.”  Be sure to check our EVENTS Page for details on times and locations.

Just a few short years ago the thought of Li’l Al and Rocky were a dream.  They were an idea author, Paula Helgerson brought to her long time friend and artist, Kimberly Forness Wilson.  Once Kim agreed to collaborate with Paula on a children’s book the wheels started churning; for both of them.  Where would Li’l Al go? What would Li’l Al do? Who would Li’l Al meet along the way?  – ….And all the way it would be an adventure.

The dream was building, the dream was growing. Li’l Al didn’t take long to win the hearts of those whom he met.  Not long into the first story, “Lil Al and the Snowy Day,” the two women decided this had to be a series of books. April 2016 brings out Li’l Al Adventures book #2 “Li’l Al Steps into Spring,” with eyes on Fall 2016 for book #3.  The dream is blossoming.  Watch the website AND the Facebook page for reports on how Li’l Al is liking being on the road.

“If you can dream it, you can do it,” Walt Disney…..

Li’l Al Adventures author, Paula Helgerson, at Pumpkin Patch ChildCare & Learning Center

Walking with Rocky

Thursday, April 14, 2016 launches the second book, Li’l Al Steps into Spring, in our first series of four Li’l Al Adventures books! Author, Paula Helgerson visits Pumpkin Patch Child Care & Learning Center to read to the preschool class.  She delighted the children last February with her reading of Li’l Al and the Snowy Day and been invited back to share Li’l Al’s new adventure.

If you would like Paula to come for a reading at your Day Care, Preschool or school, please contact us.