Li’l Al Adventures Steps into Book World, Inc!!

Li’l Al Adventures at new book store

Book WorldBook World, Inc.
2800 Columbia Road
Grand Forks, ND 58201

Hello Independent Book Stores! Li’l Al Adventures is proud to call such stores home.  Beginning the last week in June, Li’l Al Adventure story books will also be found at Book World, Inc in Grand Forks, ND, located at the Columbia Mall.  We appreciate the atmosphere book sellers bring to their communities.  

Both Li’l Al Steps into Spring Step into Springand Li’l Al and the Snowy Day will be available at the Grand Forks store.  Watch for a book signing coming later this Fall. Information will be published as it becomes finalized.Snowy Day

For now, Step Up and Step OUT into your own adventure
as you introduce your little people to Li’l Al Adventures!