Falling for Li’l Al; Rocky Close Behind

…Li’l Al and Rocky are Off Again!

Schools are gearing up for this next academic year and Li’l Al & Rocky can’t wait to get on the road! The Li’l Al Adventures stories are finding joy and acceptance where-ever they land. They would LOVE to visit the schools and childcare centers of your young people.  Learning is always more fun when you are learning with friends. Please contact us through our CONTACT page about making an author appearance near you.

Rocky barks his approval. Let the excitement continue! Li’l Al isn’t quite in real school yet, but he knows there’s an adventure ahead. They are off to discover something wonderful in their world. Join with us as we follow along the path.  We will be kicking up the dried leaves of Fall as we head out.  What will we find hiding under the vines in the gardens?

Let the Adventures continue for Lil Al and Rocky!
Let the Adventures continue for Lil Al and Rocky!

You guessed it! Our character of Li’l Al can’t wait. Rocky is at his heels! He won’t be left behind. So let’s head down that dusty path, through the barn and into the gardens. Come along and share the simple story of a blissful Fall afternoon. Remember smiling pumpkins are happy to have found you. So, …be sure to smile back.

Li’l Al Steps To the Drawing Board

The summer is winding down. Although, the temperatures continue to be HOT and anything be Fall-Like. However, Li’l Al and our team of creative mavens are busy working on the next adventure! Where will he go? What will he discover? Will he meet anyone new? Is Rocky still close by?

Li’l Al is currently stepping across the drawing board of artist/illustrator, Kimberly Forness Wilson.  Book author, Paula Helgerson has been editing and rewriting the adventure that is on the near horizon.  Pencils are scratching.  Paints are giving color where color is needed.  Oh, the crumpled mess! Those pages hit the trash.  Time to redo – refine – reboot – redirect young character. Rocky barks his agreement.  How could Rocky be left behind?

Rocky, Li'l Al's trusty white dog - and best friend - is READY for another Adventure!
Rocky, Li’l Al’s trusty white dog – and best friend – is READY for another Adventure!

Excitement is building as the pages come together.  Watch for Fall 2016 for Book 3 to be released.  Be asking for it at your local book store.  Do they carry the Li’l Al Adventure books?  They don’t?  Please refer them to this website, to our Facebook page and our Twitter.  Rocky is ready. Li’l Al waits, and waits….poised to head out.  Yet, for now – it is the anticipation of what is coming.  Perhaps a cold glass of lemonade while we wait? Ahh, that would be ideal.

Li’l Al Sees Adventures Everyday

Is your day ordinary? The difference comes in how you look at it. Li’l Al sees everyday life and he sees an adventure! He has his trusty dog, Rocky, at his side and life is good.  Sure, it may be fun to run in the rain; but sometimes it’s just not possible. However, following the rain there is fun left behind. That fun is found in puddles, worms, and mud. …And what will tomorrow bring?

When we look at our adventures on deck for Li’l Al, there is no hidden agenda to follow. It’s all about seeing the simplicity of life and seeing the beauty that lies within.  No one is out to preach a message; unless it’s the message of joy. Today’s world is filled with much that can be scary and bad. However, in Li’l Al’s world we take a look at what brings a smile.

It’s smiles that make us laugh. It’s a smile that allows us to make friends. It’s smiles that bring us joy. The journey becomes the adventure. So that ordinary day can easily be extraordinary by turning your head slightly, and looking from another angle. What do you see now? Li’l Al is ready to run, to play, to discover.

It’s the discovery that brings learning. Won’t you and the children in your life come along with Li’l Al and Rocky and see what that tomorrow will bring? Be sure to check our Merchandise page to get your copy of Li’l Al. Watch for Fall 2016 launch of book #3, which is in process as we speak.

Wide open spaces, water and rocks = FUN for little boys!
Wide open spaces, water and rocks = FUN for little boys!