The summer is winding down. Although, the temperatures continue to be HOT and anything be Fall-Like. However, Li’l Al and our team of creative mavens are busy working on the next adventure! Where will he go? What will he discover? Will he meet anyone new? Is Rocky still close by?
Li’l Al is currently stepping across the drawing board of artist/illustrator, Kimberly Forness Wilson. Book author, Paula Helgerson has been editing and rewriting the adventure that is on the near horizon. Pencils are scratching. Paints are giving color where color is needed. Oh, the crumpled mess! Those pages hit the trash. Time to redo – refine – reboot – redirect young character. Rocky barks his agreement. How could Rocky be left behind?
Excitement is building as the pages come together. Watch for Fall 2016 for Book 3 to be released. Be asking for it at your local book store. Do they carry the Li’l Al Adventure books? They don’t? Please refer them to this website, to our Facebook page and our Twitter. Rocky is ready. Li’l Al waits, and waits….poised to head out. Yet, for now – it is the anticipation of what is coming. Perhaps a cold glass of lemonade while we wait? Ahh, that would be ideal.