Rainy Day Blues
I’m wondering what happened to the the past 2 1/2 months. While the Holidays have come and gone, writer’s block continues to plague this author. Searching for the right words when they don’t seem to found. Searching for the best time? Searching for the character, scene or situation to thrust me into the next little story book…. Yet, nothing, nothing at all.
Li’l Al may have writer’s block too. The ideas for Summer are scattered among the papers on the floor. What if Li’l Al finds this? Could Rocky come along? Would Li’l Al do that? Where are they going? How will they get there? Does that matter? Questions flood in like the rain that is falling outside.
Let’s review. Book 1 – Li’l Al and the Snowy Day focuses on winter and fun in the snow. Book 2 – while it began in the rain – that ended and left room for sunshine. Step into Spring-time for worms, and birds and mud. Book 3 took Li’l Al off with his father to the Pumpkin Patch at harvest time….in search of the Perfect pumpkin for their Jack-o-lantern… Winter, Spring, and Fall. Time for Summer.
Thus we move ever forward. The more I reject, the closer I get to reaching the golden nugget. Writer’s Block can’t last much longer. …..can it? Summer is a happy time. Yet, when is it NOT happy whenever Li’l Al is around. So of course, it will be happy there.
Hmmmm. Planting a garden and watching it grow. Build your own home-grown salad, or salsa? Hmmm. Batter’s up? Gather the neighbor kids, the pre-school kids for a game of baseball? Play Ball! That would produce too many characters. Then what? Perhaps a canoe ride? A peaceful lake? What will it be that Li’l Al investigates?