It’s Time for Pumpkins

and Pumpkin Patches are Calling

The winds are blowing and although we are having some unseasonal warmer days, the leaves are beginning to turn. Driving down the highways, passing farms, harvesting is underway. Pumpkins have been spotted in the fields as well.

Yes, school has been in session for a month (or so in some locations) and all those typical Fall activities are up and going. Now, Li’l Al is not yet in formal school due to his young age. However, he is aware and eyes are open to learning. A family trip to a local pumpkin patch is a delight for him.

Local pumpkin patches provide much fun for little boys (all little folks).
Local pumpkin patches provide much fun for little boys (all little folks).

Fall is a wonderful season, filled with beauty all it’s own. Li’l Al and Rocky are out in the thick of it. Crackling leaves under foot as they walk along provides one of the fun sounds of Fall. The smells abound with not merely dried leaves, but fresh harvested apples and pumpkins and gourds, too.

Li’l Al is still looking for more attention. That is: the Li’l Al Adventure story books.  Is the word getting out about these books for young children? At our September Book Event we were able to introduce several more to this enjoyable set of story books.

Coming next week, both our author, Paula Helgerson and illustrator, Kimberly Forness Wilson will be attending the North Dakota Library Association Annual Conference, being held in Grand Forks, ND this year. They will be part of the Author Alley: an exhibit & book sale featuring local & regional authors. The aim is to reach out to librarians and touch more children by being available in North Dakota area libraries.

Cute as a pumpkin? Yes, that’s Li’l Al. He’s ready for continued adventures. Grab that mug of warm apple cider and cozy up with your copy of Li’l Al Meets Big Jack.

Stepping into Summer with Li’l Al

Here it is June and Li’l Al is stepping through the seasons. There is always an adventure awaiting as we move through the days. Rocky is running to catch him as Li’l Al runs across the yard, the park, wherever….

Most recently, Li’l Al Adventures were available at a local vendor/craft fair, the Robbinsdale, MN “Spring Fling on the Plaza.” It was a wonderful sunny summer morning. We were able to share Li’l Al with new people; parents & grandparents. Handing our Stickers from our books delighted the children.

Spring Fling on the Plaza – Robbinsdale, MN

What a lovely summer it is turning into! Li’l Al is stepping out to see what his world will unfold.  Off to nearby lakes with his mother and father….  Is there a tree that needs climbing – he doesn’t get too far – it’s a process. Off to the ball park as well.  Picnics on the weekends and cookouts in his very own back yard offer experiences and treasured family time. Flying kites and chasing balls across the green keep our little fellow on the move.

Moving is what Li’l Al does best.  Illustrator, Ms Wilson, and author, Ms Helgerson are doing more than just promoting the three books currently available.  Books may be purchased through this website and through the Facebook page (with a Buy Now button).  Our creative team is also creating more adventures.  The process sometimes requires research and fine tuning.  This is currently underway.

The life of a self-published author offers weekly, sometimes daily pursuit of ways to bring Li’l Al Adventures to the public. Do YOU have a favorite independent book store or speciality shoppe looking for a new adventure? We’d love to hear about them. Perhaps Li’l Al Adventures is JUST what they need.

Buy one at a time, or the set of three.
Buy one at a time, or the set of three.

Stepping Out – It’s an Adventure!

Come Along on the Journey

Things have been blooming the past several weeks. It’s amazing how several days of rain showers this time of year turns the grass green, and get the leaves ready to pop! Yes, it’s time to be Stepping Out on new adventures. What will we discover this year?

Li’l Al and Rocky love their Spring Adventure – stepping out for a lovely walk in the park with his mother. The leaves are out on the trees, and the tulips and daffodils are blooming. How fresh the air smells after a rain. Of course, the best fun of all are the wonderful puddles left after that rain. Who couldn’t help but jump through a rain puddle; especially if you are wearing your New Bright Yellow Boots? Isn’t that what boots are for? Of course they are.

Boots make puddles more fun. SPLASH!
Boots make puddles more fun. SPLASH!

Rocky continues to be curious of all the creatures they run across. From wiggly worms to ducks on the pond; there is always something to see. Li’l Al enjoys the adventure of just walking along – or running. He IS a little boy, you know. It’s always more fun when you’re running; to be sure. As  you go along; be sure to SEE what is unfolding in nature. Notice the birds in the trees, singing and building nests….the ducks swimming by with their ducklings…. and of course all the beautiful flowers in bloom or nearly in bloom. It’s great to be outside!

This Spring already, Li’l Al Adventures continues to be philanthropic in donating a set of our three titles to area Silent Auction fundraisers. Li’l Al is stepping out to reach a wider, broader audience.  Being self-published we continue to self promote in various avenues. The most recent was for tiny baby Madelyn Stone. Little Maddie was born with a rare liver disease, Biliary Atresia. She will be in line for a much needed liver transplant once she is a little bigger.  Through a Fundraising Event held Sunday, May 7, the family began raising funds for all what lies ahead for Little Maddie.

Spring Is On It’s Way

The Adventures Continue

The change in the seasons is cause for excitement. Li’l Al and his dog, Rocky, are always looking for the next adventure that comes their way. What will the coming of Spring unfold? This crazy winter tries to hold on, yet the calendar says “No.”

The temperatures dance around the 40 and 50 degree mark; with an occasional spike to 60 degrees here in March. When it snows this time of year it’s only around for a day or so. When it rains, you can smell that Spring is on it’s way. The days are stretching out, getting longer & longer. When the sun shines,…. why you can feel the difference from a month or two ago. Yes, Spring IS close at hand.

How will YOU embrace this change in the seasons? Are you introducing activities back into your days that have long been on hold in the dark winter months?

Get outside and Go for a Walk in the sunshine!
Embrace Spring: Get outside and Go for a Walk in the sunshine!

Have you seen “Li’l Al Steps into Spring” yet? This storybook can be ordered on our Merchandise page.  Currently, we are setting up Author readings / appearances at TwinCities area preschools, Childcare centers and elementary schools for March through early June, with the possibility of traveling for appearances in May & June. Contact us to set up a visit to your child’s school. Keep reading to your young ones. You are instilling the love of books, reading and learning into their lives. There is an adventure around the corner. Be sure to watch for it.

Hopeful beginnings
Bring the book alive through an author reading event.

National Pancake Day

…and other reasons to Celebrate!

A stack of golden pancakes aside, how do YOU celebrate National Pancake Day? In the Li’l Al camp, of course, there are pancakes, syrup, strawberries and whipped cream to boot! Yet, March 7th is a great day to celebrate. Daylight savings time is less than a week out. Spring is just 2 weeks off. The sun is shining, at the moment….

Yes, it’s a great day to celebrate. The change in the seasons has always been welcome. Nature gives us so many wonderful gifts; from the fresh buds and new life of Spring, through Summer’s warmth, into the crisp cool of Fall and harvest time. We welcome winter when it arrives. Although the cold wind may bite us – the frost is spectacular and snow and ice provide many adventures to keep us busy. Each season holds wonderful magic.

And so it has been with Li’l Al Adventures, as we’ve seen our hero and his fluffy white dog romp across the pages of our stories and embrace each  season. Li’l Al is gearing up for his next adventure into the world. We’re hoping it’s not long before we can share what’s in store for our fellow.

Li’l Al and the Snowy Day delights in nature, in simplicity.

So while Li’l Al is enjoying National Pancake Day today – we’re looking down the road and thinking about the future.  We have seen how winter provides us snow, filled with snow angels and snowmen. We’ve stepped out into a lovely day following a Spring rain; complete with puddles for splashing  and so much more. Fall and harvest brought hunting for the best pumpkin in the patch.

Now our attention is looking to warmer days ahead. What are YOUR favorite activities in the Summer months? Little boys love to play outside, to be sure. The summer months hold new wonders to discovery, new things to learn. This summer is sure to be bright. We plan to bring you our fourth story book of Li’l Al Adventures.

Writing, writing, writing. Li'l Al is romping across the pages for a New Story.
Writing, writing, writing. Li’l Al is romping across the pages for a New Story.

Writer’s Block

Rainy Day Blues

I’m wondering what happened to the the past 2 1/2 months. While the Holidays have come and gone, writer’s block continues to plague this author.  Searching for the right words when they don’t seem to found. Searching for the best time? Searching for the character, scene or situation to thrust me into the next little story book…. Yet, nothing, nothing at all.

Li’l Al may have writer’s block too. The ideas for Summer are scattered among the papers on the floor. What if Li’l Al finds this? Could Rocky come along? Would Li’l Al do that? Where are they going? How will they get there? Does that matter? Questions flood in like the rain that is falling outside.

Writers block leads to crumpled papers on the floor.
Writers block leads to crumpled papers on the floor. Rejection. Bring us one step closer.

Let’s review.  Book 1 – Li’l Al and the Snowy Day focuses on winter and fun in the snow. Book 2 – while it began in the rain – that ended and left room for sunshine. Step into Spring-time for worms, and birds and mud. Book 3 took Li’l Al off with his father to the Pumpkin Patch at harvest time….in search of the Perfect pumpkin for their Jack-o-lantern…  Winter, Spring, and Fall. Time for Summer.

Thus we move ever forward. The more I reject, the closer I get to reaching the golden nugget. Writer’s Block can’t last much longer. …..can it? Summer is a happy time. Yet, when is it NOT happy whenever Li’l Al is around. So of course, it will be happy there.

Time to get serious. Writers Block be GONE!
Time to get serious. Writers Block be GONE!

Hmmmm. Planting a garden and watching it grow. Build your own home-grown salad, or salsa?  Hmmm. Batter’s up? Gather the neighbor kids, the pre-school kids for a game of baseball? Play Ball! That would produce too many characters.  Then what? Perhaps a canoe ride? A peaceful lake? What will it be that Li’l Al investigates?

Li’l Al Meets the Public

Book Event November 5th

Just two more days before Li’l Al meets his public! Our Adventures will take us to the Grand Forks, ND area Saturday of this week. Be sure to stop in to Ferguson’s Books and More and meet the author and the illustrator of these story books. Both Paula Helgerson and Kimberly Forness Wilson will be making an appearance there between 11am-1pm.

Already making school and library StoryTime appearances, the public has gotten a look at the newest story in the Li’l Al Adventures. However, be sure to pick up your own copies of this New story; along with the other two. You’ll want to have these on hand to read to your little people.

Capturing the hearts of those they meet: Li'l Al Adventures now a 3 book set!
Capturing the hearts of those they meet: Li’l Al Adventures now a 3 book set!

Plan a trip over to Ferguson’s on Saturday late morning / early afternoon and pick up your signed copy of “Li’l Al Meets Big Jack” book. Maybe just get the complete set?  Shake hands with the author. Hear first hand from the illustrator how she crafts her character.  Pick up a coloring sheets (being handed out FREE to the first 50 children in attendance.  Again: this Book Event greets the public from 11am through 1pm Saturday, November 5th, 1720 S Washington, Grand Forks, ND: Ferguson’s Books and More.

The Holidays are fast approaching. What a wonderful gift! Talk to your favorite independent book seller about carrying our books.  Books can always be purchased online at THIS website.  Aside from the two independent book stores in Grand Forks, ND, Li’l Al Adventures can be found at Book World- Willmar, MN and Fact and Fiction, Missoula, MT.

Delighting Children Through A Story….

Sparking the Imagination

One delight that has come from the numerous school and childcare reading done by the author, has been the smiles of the young children. While on the recent road trip to North Dakota, author, Paula Helgerson, made repeat visits to both Immanuel Lutheran Christian Children’s center (preschool classes & after school kindergarten) and Holy Family/St. Mary’s school (kindergarten class).

Once in Grand Forks, illustrator, Kimberly Forness Wilson also joined Ms. Helgerson. Our creative team was able to enrich the story book reading with insight into the making of the adventure. The delight continued as these children saw inside the story.  They learned how a picture evolved that would be used in the final book. It seems so simple when Ms. Wilson describes the process.

This road trip was a celebration of National Book Month. From preschool to Kindergarten… Li’l Al was shared with 3rd, 4th, & 5th graders at Holy Family/St. Mary’s School. What? A preschool story to students reading chapter books? Yes, …because of this story’s ability to cultivate imagination. Taking journaling into creative writing is a natural progression. That’s how our author began; back in the day when SHE attended Holy Family parish school.

"Say it with pictures," says illustrator, Kimberly Forness Wilson. Create a caricature.
“Say it with pictures,” says illustrator, Kimberly Forness Wilson. Create a caricature.

However, writing is not a forte for everyone. Say it with pictures – was the answer for Ms. Wilson. It was easy for her to draw, or to paint. From this she launched her career. Ms. Wilson shared with the older students more creative ideas for drawing supporting pictures to their own writings (their stories). They, too, could draw a caricature.

Then there was a brainstorming of fresh ideas! “You could see the wheels in their minds turning,” remarked Helgerson. The classes reflected on how Li’l Al was more than a simple story. It is a statement about living life with joy and discovery. The question was posed: What else should Li’l Al explore? Where else could Li’l Al venture? Who else might Li’l Al meet along the way.

At this rate, the children have Li’l Al off for at least 4-8 additional books above and beyond our next adventure in Book #4. Watch for THAT adventure to be coming in Summer 2017. Our author and illustrator have a long list of ideas to consider. What YOUR idea? Feel free to make comments on our Contact Us page. We look forward to hear where you think Li’l Al should go, meet, discover.

StoryTime to Book Stores

Supporting the Indie Book Seller

The Adventures of Li’l Al found itself at StoryTime at the Grand Forks public library on October 11. Author, Paula Helgerson was joined by illustrator, Kimberly Forness Wilson, when they visited the weekly StoryTime event. They were welcomed again, as they were at their April 2016 appearance, by the numerous children who attended along with parents or childcare staff. The change in season combined with the chill in the air made it the perfect morning to share Li’l Al’s latest adventure to the Pumpkin Patch.

Several of the children attending recalled Li’l Al from last Spring’s visit. They were delighted to hear and see his new adventure. Our creative team shared the benefits of continued friendships through the years. As these two have been friends since youth, they have carried this into a partnership with our storybook character. Likewise, the friendships that these little people are forming can continue long through their lives.

Grand Forks Public library offers a delightful StoryTime weekly on Tuesday mornings.
Grand Forks Public library offers a delightful StoryTime weekly on Tuesday mornings.

This is the second story shared at the library’s StoryTime, but the third book about Li’l Al. They talked about the changing seasons and that these first stories of Li’l Al reflect the seasons. They discussed where Li’l Al may be off to in his NEXT adventure. Ms. Helgerson, upon request, also read Li’l Al and the Snowy Day, the first story.  These three stories are now available in the children’s section of the Grand Forks library; as well as for purchase at the two independent Book stores in Grand Forks.

Traveling to Grand Forks makes it a prime opportunity to check in at both Indie Book Stores in that area. In the Spring and over the Summer the Li’l Al Adventure series was made available through both Ferguson’s Books and More, along with Book World. These two Indie Book Sellers were updated recently with the third, and NEWEST story in the Li’l Al collection. Please visit these stores when you’re in the area.

Road Trip Produces Results

Connections Translate to Personal Appearances

October my see many of us heading to pumpkin patches and apple orchards. Author, and creator of Li’l Al Adventures, Paula Helgerson, was on the road. What better way to celebrate National Book Month then to travel? Ms. Helgerson hit the road and journeyed to North Dakota for several school appearances.

Li’l Al stories were introduced to the youngsters in Steele, ND, as well as one school in Bismarck. These were the first public readings of the newest story: “Li’l Al Meets Big Jack.” They liked it! We were welcomed by kindergarten, first grade and preschool classes in Steele.  Yes, pumpkins are a fun subject this time of year.

LI'l Al Meets Big Jack makes it's first public reading - Kidder County schools
LI’l Al Meets Big Jack makes it’s first public reading – Kidder County schools

Their school library is enriched now with the donation of “Li’l Al Meets Big Jack.” We shared with the children how old friendships are renewed when you stay in touch with those you met years ago. As it is with my friend, Brenda Eichele, teacher at the Kidder County School. Through her invitation, we structured this road trip to include stopping off at her school.

On to Bismarck, as the road trip moved West across the state. Here we spent a day visiting Martin Luther School. Connection from years ago made this visit possible, too. Andrea Pansegrau is one of the teach aids at his school. An author visit is an excellent way to enrich education; and a children’s author to boot! Several of the preschool teachers heightened the appearance by reading the first two Li’l Al stories to the children in the days leading up to Ms. Helgerson’s visit. The children were excited to actually MEET the person who wrote the stories they had heard! They knew who Li’l Al was when when she arrived.

Every child is a story yet to be told. Martin Luther School, Bismarck, ND
Every child is a story yet to be told. Martin Luther School, Bismarck, ND

What fun for them when they saw and heard the NEWEST in the Li’l Al stories! “Now I know a real author,” remarked one little boy as I sat down to read, said our author.

The three preschool classes, the first and second graders all enjoyed a slight diversion to their day. This small school can now boast it has a full set of Li’l Al Adventures stories in it’s library; all signed by the author of course…. More on this road trip to follow.