Happy National Pumpkin Seed Day!

….Roast up those Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds, now what? What ever does one do with all the seeds you clean out of the pumpkin as you prepare to carve your Jack-o-Lantern? Don’t throw them away. Have you ever roasted them to eat as a snack? It’s easy to do; and a fun activity to do with the kids.

Wash your seeds that are removed from your Jack-o-lantern.  Placing the in a colander helps.  Separate the “pumpkin guts” from the seeds, keeping only the seeds.  In the colander, it’s easy to shake dry. Note: using a paper towel to dry them can produce seeds sticking to the paper and creates a mess.  Simply shake.

Save your pumpkin seeds and roast them for a fun easy snack
Save your pumpkin seeds and roast them for a fun easy snack

Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees.  Spread seeds on a buttered or oiled cookie sheet. Toast/roast in a 350 degree oven for 10 minutes or until golden.  When roasted, remove from oven and immediately sprinkle with salt. Li’l Al’s mom prefers Rock Salt.  Eat when cool enough to touch. If you’ve never had roasted pumpkin seeds before, they are similar to roasted sunflower seeds, but you don’t have to crack open any shells (less messy).

Celebrating National Pumpkin Seed day could become a family activity. Use this as a window to discuss with your children uses for seeds – what other seeds do we eat? Sunflower seeds, popcorn, sesame seeds are just a few. What do they taste like? Why do we eat seeds? Did you know pumpkin seeds are rich in protein and magnesium? So, you don’t just have to throw away all the insides of your Jack-o-Lantern.  Good eats can come from it all!

Fall is in the Air

Dried Leaves Swirling

Li’l Al sees the turning colors in the leaves and knows that Fall is in the air. He’s off on a New Adventure, and Rocky is close at hand. Fall brings wonderful change to nature. As the Summer wanes, gardens overflow with their bounty. Leaves fall from the trees. New discoveries can be made.

The crackling of dried leaves as he walks make Li'l Al laugh.
The crackling of dried leaves as he walks make Li’l Al laugh.

Adventures are building for author, Paula Helgerson and illustrator, Kimberly Forness Wilson too, as they launch the third story book in the Li’l Al Adventures series. Appearances are being scheduled in the Twin Cities area for late October and in to November. Has YOUR group gotten on the calendar yet?

Ms. Helgerson will be in North Dakota from October 6-14 making appearances in several cities throughout the state. Check our Events page for details and dates. She will be joined by Kimberly Forness Wilson at the appearances in Grand Forks, Oct 10-13.

As we just passed the commemoration of American Business Women’s Day on Sept. 22, we are proud to say that Li’l Al Adventures is the result of three women entrepreneurs.  Our creators: Paula Helgerson and Kimberly Forness Wilson brought their idea of Li’l Al to life through their engaging story. Yet, without the help of Anne McClimon, owner of the UPS Store in Eagan, MN where the books are printed and bound they would still be a dream on the drawing board.  This project is a grass-roots effort and all done very organically. The relationships between these women built it. It’s relationships, the Who You Know, that are promoting Li’l Al Adventures as well.

Self Publishing through the UPS Store in Eagan, MN - a very Hands On project.
Self Publishing through the UPS Store in Eagan, MN – a very Hands On project.

Come along on this next adventure, as Li’l Al Meets Big Jack! See if you, too, don’t find yourself falling for this little boy.  Let us know if you’d like to Host a Book Event or Book Signing.

The Adventures Continue

…Won’t You Come Along?

Li’l Al and Rocky are off on their adventures! It’s Fall and we spy pumpkins.  The colors of the season explode in our new tail of a boy and his dog.  Available September 16, Li’l Al Adventures is THREE books strong. We are anxious for you to see Li’l Al Meets Big Jack. A special shout out to Morgan Neiheisel for her great idea when brainstorming book titles. Morgan, we appreciate your help.

Come along on a sunny afternoon to the pumpkin patch. What kind of adventures will Li’l Al and Rocky find? Is a pumpkin patch just about one thing? Let the excitement continue! Li’l Al is ready for what’s ahead. They are off to discover something wonderful in their world. Join with us as we follow along the path.  We will be kicking up the dried leaves of Fall as we head out.  What will we find hiding under the vines in the gardens?The crackling leaves, the bold colors and wonderful pumpkins surround you.  The air may be crisp. We can’t tell. We meet a new character.

Li'l Al and his father have many pumpkins to choose from. How will they know the right one?
Adventures bring Li’l Al and his father to the pumpkin patch.

Author, Paula Helgerson, and illustrator, Kimberly Forness Wilson delight us with this third adventure.  Be sure to warm your apple cider; and pour a mug as you settle in with your child (grandchild) at your side and follow along. Also – be sure to check out our Special Offer – coming: buy the THREE BOOK Set for a set price of $35 with Free Shipping.  This is a limited offer.

Pumpkins Speak to Fall

…Li’l Al finds Pumpkins

Excitement is building as the final touches and re-works are being done on the layout for the next Li’l Al Adventure story. Illustrator, Kimberly Forness Wilson is completing the last pictures needed to make this a wrap.  Meanwhile, author, Paula Helgerson, continues edits and tweaks to make this next book printer-ready.  When Fall comes, we start thinking of pumpkins, and gourds, and fresh apple cider. This is no different in the world of Li’l Al and Rocky.

Prepare for the next adventure.  A sunny afternoon awaits.  Rocky barks his approval and off we go! Won’t you join us? The colors of the season envelop our companions.  It’s harvest time…..  Plan for a Fall journey to a pumpkin patch.  What will Li’l Al discover as he walks along? If it’s pumpkins, what more can be expected? Watch for announcements of Book #3 release dates later this Fall.

No need to delay setting up YOUR reservation of having an author reading OR book signing event. Contact us at your earliest convenience here. Personal appearances make the characters come alive in the eyes of the children.  Check your calendar and coordinate around ours.

Pumpkins and Fall go hand in hand.
Pumpkins and Fall go hand in hand.

Falling for Li’l Al; Rocky Close Behind

…Li’l Al and Rocky are Off Again!

Schools are gearing up for this next academic year and Li’l Al & Rocky can’t wait to get on the road! The Li’l Al Adventures stories are finding joy and acceptance where-ever they land. They would LOVE to visit the schools and childcare centers of your young people.  Learning is always more fun when you are learning with friends. Please contact us through our CONTACT page about making an author appearance near you.

Rocky barks his approval. Let the excitement continue! Li’l Al isn’t quite in real school yet, but he knows there’s an adventure ahead. They are off to discover something wonderful in their world. Join with us as we follow along the path.  We will be kicking up the dried leaves of Fall as we head out.  What will we find hiding under the vines in the gardens?

Let the Adventures continue for Lil Al and Rocky!
Let the Adventures continue for Lil Al and Rocky!

You guessed it! Our character of Li’l Al can’t wait. Rocky is at his heels! He won’t be left behind. So let’s head down that dusty path, through the barn and into the gardens. Come along and share the simple story of a blissful Fall afternoon. Remember smiling pumpkins are happy to have found you. So, …be sure to smile back.

Li’l Al Steps To the Drawing Board

The summer is winding down. Although, the temperatures continue to be HOT and anything be Fall-Like. However, Li’l Al and our team of creative mavens are busy working on the next adventure! Where will he go? What will he discover? Will he meet anyone new? Is Rocky still close by?

Li’l Al is currently stepping across the drawing board of artist/illustrator, Kimberly Forness Wilson.  Book author, Paula Helgerson has been editing and rewriting the adventure that is on the near horizon.  Pencils are scratching.  Paints are giving color where color is needed.  Oh, the crumpled mess! Those pages hit the trash.  Time to redo – refine – reboot – redirect young character. Rocky barks his agreement.  How could Rocky be left behind?

Rocky, Li'l Al's trusty white dog - and best friend - is READY for another Adventure!
Rocky, Li’l Al’s trusty white dog – and best friend – is READY for another Adventure!

Excitement is building as the pages come together.  Watch for Fall 2016 for Book 3 to be released.  Be asking for it at your local book store.  Do they carry the Li’l Al Adventure books?  They don’t?  Please refer them to this website, to our Facebook page and our Twitter.  Rocky is ready. Li’l Al waits, and waits….poised to head out.  Yet, for now – it is the anticipation of what is coming.  Perhaps a cold glass of lemonade while we wait? Ahh, that would be ideal.

Li’l Al Sees Adventures Everyday

Is your day ordinary? The difference comes in how you look at it. Li’l Al sees everyday life and he sees an adventure! He has his trusty dog, Rocky, at his side and life is good.  Sure, it may be fun to run in the rain; but sometimes it’s just not possible. However, following the rain there is fun left behind. That fun is found in puddles, worms, and mud. …And what will tomorrow bring?

When we look at our adventures on deck for Li’l Al, there is no hidden agenda to follow. It’s all about seeing the simplicity of life and seeing the beauty that lies within.  No one is out to preach a message; unless it’s the message of joy. Today’s world is filled with much that can be scary and bad. However, in Li’l Al’s world we take a look at what brings a smile.

It’s smiles that make us laugh. It’s a smile that allows us to make friends. It’s smiles that bring us joy. The journey becomes the adventure. So that ordinary day can easily be extraordinary by turning your head slightly, and looking from another angle. What do you see now? Li’l Al is ready to run, to play, to discover.

It’s the discovery that brings learning. Won’t you and the children in your life come along with Li’l Al and Rocky and see what that tomorrow will bring? Be sure to check our Merchandise page to get your copy of Li’l Al. Watch for Fall 2016 launch of book #3, which is in process as we speak.

Wide open spaces, water and rocks = FUN for little boys!
Wide open spaces, water and rocks = FUN for little boys!

Li’l Al Adventures Skips Through Summer

Li’l Al Adventures has been winning hearts and creating smiles well before we began our first appearances last February.  Author, Paula Helgerson, has spent the last 5 months or so making personal appearances to read Li’l Al Adventures to school children and preschoolers.  Visits to childcare centers and grade schools took place through the first 1/2 of this year. With school out, the “dog days” of summer have us looking to Fall and cooler days.

13-Jumping off the Curb FinalB1
Always looking for that special Puddle. Splash!

Li’l Al Adventures is all about the journey, and we continue to make strides to reach additional Independent Book Sellers.  We are looking for more of our public to get up close and personal with Li’l Al Adventures (on a daily basis). Do you have a favorite Independent book store you’d like to tell us about? Please do. As we are picked up by further locations we will post on this site and on our Facebook Page.

In addition to finding us on Facebook, you can also find us on Twitter @lilaladventures  As we’ve said – Li’l Al Adventure is about the daily journey down life’s path.  Of course, Li’l Al is joined by his trusty dog, Rocky as he discovers the world. No big message. No hidden agenda. Just daily life and simply joys.

Plans are underway for our Fall line up of appearances; readings and book signings. Do YOU have a childcare center, elementary or preschool class that would like a visit? Are you interested in hosting a book signing? You can contact us through the info on our Contact Us page.

Keep smiling with Li’l Al Adventures. We’ve been told they are stories that are read over and over again …..in the same sitting. Who doesn’t like a rain puddle? We are currently hard at work perfecting the next installment due out in Fall 2016. Yes, a Fall seasonal adventure for Li’l Al! Where will Li’l Al Adventures lead? What will Li’l Al Adventures learn along the way? You can be sure Rocky will be involved. You can be sure to smile when reading.

Out and About for Li’l Al Adventures

The world is filled with adventures and Li’l Al is ready to embrace them.  Li’l Al Adventures is about simple joy in the everyday. There is no hidden agenda to preach. Li’l Al and Rocky love that they can just run and have fun. That’s what you’ll find when you read “Li’l Al Steps into Spring” or “Li’l Al and the Snowy Day.” Simple joy in what life offers.

Life may offer a rain storm and gift us with puddles to run through following.  Rain gives us mud that wasn’t soft or squishy before. Li’l Al Adventures looks for the simple joys in life. That’s what you’ll find in the first two books, now available through this site AND through our collaboration with the Independent Book Stores listed on our our merchandise page. Watch for book #3 coming in Fall 2016.

We can now be found in Missoula, MT at Fact and Fiction Books – again – check our merchandise page for more info.

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Squishy mud makes Li’l Al laugh

If you find your copy of Li’l Al Adventures in one our partnering book stores or if you purchase you copy online through this site, chances are you will enjoy sharing the stories with the young people you know. As we’ve made appearances at schools (kindergarten classes) and childcare centers we are delighted time and again by the response of the children hearing about Li’l Al for the first, and even second time.

We continue to hear from parents (and grandparents) who have book #1 [Li’l Al and the Snowy Day] and their reports that this storybook is still among their child’s favorite. Or that their child has it memorized from continual readings. Or that it travels along to numerous doctor/hospital visits with their little one.  Bottom line? We feel blessed to have a story that warms hearts and creates smiles; time and time again.

Li’l Al Adventures Attends Book Signing

Li’l Al signs in – signs in at it’s first Book Signing Event!

Li’l Al Adventures was on the road last weekend.  Author, Paula Helgerson, and illustrator, Kimberly Forness Wilson thank Ferguson’s Books and More (in Grand Forks, ND) for hosting our first Book Signing.  Saturday, June 11 was the 6th Anniversary for the independent book store being in business . This signing was part of a day long celebration at the store.

Our team networked with other authors.  It was a day of greeting folks as well as the public passing through the book store.  It wasn’t just book signing for Li’l Al Adventures.  A special Story Time was scheduled into the day for “Li’l Al Steps into Spring,” the latest book. Li’l Al Adventures keeps expanding it’s reach with each and every event, book reading, daycare visit.

Signing books and introducing people to the Li’l Al character was a delight. However, not all the Li’l Al Adventures fans live close enough to be able to visit during this Event.  Here’s a NOTE that the Li’l Al Adventures website is NOW able to take your purchase. By clicking on our Buy Merchandise page you are able to purchase either or both story books.  Watch for Book #3 coming in Fall 2016.

Li'l Al Signs In
Li’l Al Signs In
Author, Paula Helgerson chats with visitors
Author, Paula Helgerson chats with visitors